We are delighted to announce Renewed Books- the publishing arm of Reshelving Alexandria! Whether you're a fan of vintage stories or eager to discover emerging authors, we have something special in store for you.
I know this is a day that many of you were hoping, with me, would come- and it finally has!
What's more, Renewed Books is proud to announce our collaboration with Living Book Press, a trusted name in the realm of classic reprints, dedicated to making vintage books affordable and easily obtainable. Together, we will be providing you with a carefully curated collection (by yours truly) of timeless classics and captivating new works, all set to be available for ordering through the LBP website!
Renewed Books is thrilled to announce the release of our very first publication: Jamin Still's spellbinding The Master of Tides. Book one in the Tales of Hibaria series, this beauty is perfect for imaginative teens with a taste for clean fantasy!
For his awesome Kickstarter supporters, your copies are either in your hands or making their way to your mailbox as we speak. As for the rest of you, it's your turn to jump into the world of Hibaria! You can grab your very own copy by swinging over to our spiffy new website and ordering a copy of The Master of Tides today!
Shipping's on us this November!
Order 'The Master of Tides' and enjoy free (US) shipping.
shipping code: masteroftidesship
📚 Are You a Bookstore Owner? If you're a bookstore owner who shares our passion for literary revival, we invite you to join hands with us. Please reach out if you're interested in carrying our titles in your store. Let's work together to spread the love of reading far and wide!
Contact: Wholesale@RenewedBooks.com
But wait, there's more! We invite you to connect with us for exclusive updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and a community of fellow book lovers.
✨ Follow Us on Instagram: RenewedBooksPublishing
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✨ Sign Up for Our Renewed Books Newsletter: RenewedBooks.com
Do you like coloring pages? We love coloring pages! And we will send some beauties your way as a thank you for joining our Renewed Books newsletter!
We are so glad to finally be able to share this news with you, and we hope that as we release them, you'll find our carefully curated books to be a blessing to your home libraries. Be sure to check out our website for a sneak peek at our second book, which will be available later this month, and let's embark on this literary journey together!
Warm regards,
The Renewed Books Team 📖
It’s a natural fit for Reshelving Alexandria to become a publisher. Congratulations on tackling another need in the literary community.
It’s been exciting to see this come together and now launch, great work!