
019 Hearthside Visit with Jamin Still

Or: an artist's journey, world building, & letting yourself be touched by other's grief

Our Guest: Jamin Still is an artist, author, and illustrator. Find his show schedule, books, and art prints on his website JaminStill.com. His The Artists & Podcast.

Find a free literary database containing books we discuss on the podcast here:

Stories from the Ashes Catalogue

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Coffee Table Glass Replacement

Jamin Still Art Calendars release this week! Check back for an update!

Featured books in this episode:

Websites and Resources mentioned:

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-If your kids/teens have a book they would like to pitch to our community, please submit their brief reviews to StoriesFromTheAshesPodcast@gmail.com. Include their first name, last initial, and age. Thank you! (It’s absolutely fine to submit a review for a book we reviewed already in an episode- we want to hear their voices!)

GIVEAWAY DETAILS: For every 5 reviews left, we will give away a book recommended on one of our podcasts! To enter, leave a review on your podcast player of choice or in the comments here and email StoriesFromTheAshesPodcast@gmail.com!

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