Our Guest: Steven J. Carroll, author and songwriter.
I truly believe that this series, The Histories of Earth, is the best series you and your kids haven’t read yet. The books increase in complexity and length as they go along and as the characters age. If you only take one series recommendation from me this year, let it be this one- and don’t judge it on book one for, while perfectly delightful, it’s setting the stage and the stories mature as you go. The audiobooks are perfection.
*age recommendations in the episode by book (as the series scaffolds)- for teens and parents too!*
Books mentioned in this episode:
The Histories of Earth (4 book series) by Steven J. Carroll
The Road to Jericho by Steven J. Carroll
City of Words by Steven J. Carroll (Dystopian YA to be covered in a separate interview)
Life is Beautiful- a movie
The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
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