Reshelving Alexandria
Stories from the Ashes Podcast
016 A Book Ambre Hates and Better Options

016 A Book Ambre Hates and Better Options

A Theology of Suffering, Anxiety, and Grieving Well

Episode Content Considerations:

  • Miscarriage is discussed.

  • At the end of the episode we dismiss any kids who have been listening along and Ambre recounts a story from a tv episode that includes brief references to murder, overdose, drug addiction, and infant loss, while addressing the dangers of avoiding processing one’s grief

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Stories from the Ashes Catalogue

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Featured books in this episode:

Media we discussed in this episode at length:

Thank you for spending time with us! Please join the conversation in the comments below!

  • Do you have any favorite books showing anxiety being handled well for adults?

  • What are your favorite books that model emotional intelligence for youngsters and teens?

  • What’s a book you’ve loved that reached you when you needed it in an area of emotional or mental health?

-If your kids/teens have a book they would like to pitch to our community, please submit their brief reviews to Include their first name, last initial, and age. Thank you! (It’s absolutely fine to submit a review for a book we reviewed already in an episode- we want to hear their voices!) If their review is aired we’ll send them a sticker!

  • GIVEAWAY DETAILS: For every 5 reviews left, we will give away a book recommended on one of our podcasts! To enter, leave a review on your podcast player of choice or in the comments here and email!

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Reshelving Alexandria
Stories from the Ashes Podcast
A Reshelving Alexandria podcast where we pontificate on good books and the stories that define and refine us. Join Ambre and her literary friends as they discuss what they're reading and interview others in the lit world. We talk stories in all their forms because stories have the power to shape and change hearts and minds. Come join the conversation!